Info e conditions
Given that:
a) The organizer and the seller of the tourist package, to which the consumer addresses, must be in possession of the administrative authorization to carry out their activities;
b) The consumer has the right to receive a copy of the tourist package sales contract with an indication of all the elements of the sales contract (art.85.86 Legislative Decree 206/2005) The legislative decree 6 September 2005, n.206 intends to:
a) travel organizer, the person who creates the combination of the elements referred to in art. 84 and undertakes in his own name and for a lump sum payment to procure tourist packages to third parties;
b) seller, the subject who sells, or undertakes to procure tourist packages made pursuant to art. 84 towards a lump sum payment;
c) consumer of tourist packages, the buyer, the transferee of a tourist package or any person also to be appointed, provided that it satisfies all the conditions required for the use of the service, on behalf of which the main contractor undertakes to purchase without remuneration a tourist package. The tourist packages concern travel, holidays and all-inclusive circuits, resulting from the pre-established combination of at least two of the elements listed below, sold or offered for sale at a flat rate, and lasting more than twenty-four hours or comprising at least one night: a) transport b) accommodation c) tourist services not ancillary to transport or accommodation, which constitute a significant part of the tourist package.
The tourist package purchase and sale contract is governed not only by these general conditions, but also by the clauses indicated in the travel documentation delivered to the consumer. This contract, whether it concerns services to be provided in national or foreign territory, will also be governed by the provisions - as applicable - of Law 27/12/1977 No. 1084 of ratification and execution of the International Convention relating to the travel contract. (CCV) signed in Brussels on 23.4.1970, as well as by Legislative Decree 206/2005.
The organizer has the obligation to produce a technical data sheet in the catalog or in the off-catalog program. The mandatory elements to be included in the technical data sheet of the catalog or of the non-catalog program are:
details of the organizer's administrative authorization;
details of the civil liability insurance policy;
validity period of the catalog or non-catalog program;
replacement procedures and conditions (art.89 Legislative Decree 206/2005);
change of reference for the purpose of currency adjustments, day or value.
The booking request must be drawn up on a specific contractual form, if necessary electronic, completed in all its parts and signed by the customer, who will receive a copy. Acceptance of reservations is considered completed, with the consequent conclusion of the contract, only when VELIKIY TOUR LLC will send the relative confirmation, also by means of an electronic system, to the customer at the selling travel agency. The indications relating to the tourist package not contained in the contractual documents, in the brochures or in other means of written communication, will be provided by VELIKIY TOUR LLC in regular fulfillment of the obligations provided for by the article 87 paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree 206/05 in useful time before the start of the trip.
By submitting the forms on this site, you agree to be registered on the mailing list in compliance with the law 31.12.96 N. 675.
The amount of the deposit, equal to 25% of the price of the tourist package, must be paid at the time of booking or at the time of the binding request, the balance must be paid 30 days before the departure date. For registrations made in the 30 days preceding the departure date, the entire amount must be paid at the time of registration. Failure to pay the sums referred to above on the established dates constitutes an express termination clause such as to determine their termination by VELIKIY TOUR LLC.
The price of the tourist package is determined in the contract, with reference to what is indicated in the catalog or out-of-catalog program and to any updates of the same catalogs or out-of-catalog programs subsequently intervened. It can be changed up to 20 days before departure and only as a result of changes in:
a) transportation costs, including the cost of fuel;
b) fees and taxes on some types of tourist services such as taxes, landing, landing or boarding taxes in ports and airports;
c) exchange rates applied to the package in question. For these changes, reference will be made to the exchange rates and costs referred to above in force on the date of publication of the program as shown in the technical data sheet of the catalog or on the date shown in any updates above. The fluctuations will affect the flat rate of the tourist package in the percentage expressly indicated in the technical data sheet of the catalog or non-catalog program.
The consumer can withdraw from the contract, without paying penalties, in the following cases:
increase in the price referred to in art.6 above in excess of 10%;
significant modification of one or more elements of the contract objectively figurable as fundamental for the purposes of the use of the overall tourist package considered and proposed by VELIKIY TOUR LLC after the conclusion of the contract itself but before departure and not accepted by the consumer. In the above cases, the consumer alternatively has the right:
to take advantage of an alternative tourist package, without a price supplement or with the return of the surplus price if the second tourist package has a lower cost than the first;
the return of only the part of the price already paid. This return must be made within seven working days from the time of receipt of the refund request. The consumer will have to communicate his decision (to accept the change or to withdraw) no later than two working days from the moment he received the notice of increase or modification. In the absence of express communication within the aforementioned term, the proposal made by Diffusione Viaggi spa is considered accepted. The consumer who withdraws from the contract before departure outside of the hypotheses listed in the first paragraph will be charged - net of the advance payment referred to in art.5 / 1st paragraph - the amount of the penalty to the extent indicated in the following table (in addition to the individual cost of managing the case and the insurance policy against cancellation):
In the case of Tourist Visas and / or business the penalty is immediate of 100%
For other services:
15% up to 30 days before the departure date of the trip
30% from 29 to 20 days before the departure date
50% from 19 to 10 days before the departure date
75% from 9 to 4 days before the departure date
100% from 3 to 0 days before the departure date
no refund after this deadline.
For all the combinations, no refund will be granted to those who do not show up at the departure or give up during the course of the trip, to those who could not make the trip due to lack or inaccuracy of the expected personal documents for expatriation, or for reasons not attributable . N.B. In the case of pre-established groups, the above amounts will be agreed from time to time upon signing the contract.
In the event that, before departure, VELIKIY TOUR LLC communicates in writing its inability to provide one or more of the services covered by the tourist package, proposing an alternative solution, the consumer may alternatively exercise the right to repurchase the sum already paid or to enjoy the offer of a proposed replacement tourist package (pursuant to the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs of the previous art.7). The consumer can exercise the rights provided above even when the cancellation depends on the failure to reach the minimum number of participants provided in the Catalog or in the Program out of the catalog, or on cases of force majeure and unforeseeable circumstances, relating to the tourist package purchased. For cancellations other than those caused by force majeure, unforeseeable circumstances and failure to reach the minimum number of participants, as well as for those other than failure by the consumer to accept the alternative tourist package offered (pursuant to the previous art.7) VELIKIY TOUR LLC (ex art.33 lett.e Dlgs 206/05) will return to the consumer double the amount paid and collected by the organizer through the travel agent. The sum object of the refund will never be more than double the amounts of which the consumer would be the same debtor on the same date as provided for by the previous article 7.4 paragraph if he were to cancel.
VELIKIY TOUR LLC, if after departure it is unable to provide for any reason, except for a fact proper to the consumer, an essential part of the services contemplated in the contract, will have to provide alternative solutions, without price supplements to be paid by the contractor and if the services provided are of a lower value than those envisaged, reimburse it in an amount equal to this difference. If no alternative solution is possible, or the solution prepared by VELIKIY TOUR LLC is refused by the consumer for serious and justified reasons, the organizer will provide, without supplement of price, a means of transport equivalent to the original one provided for the return to the place of departure. o to any other place agreed upon, compatibly with the availability of the vehicle and places and will reimburse it to the extent of the difference between the cost of the services provided and that of the services performed up to the time of the early return.
The renouncing customer can be replaced by another person provided that:
a) the organizer is informed in writing with at least 4 working days before the travel departure date, at the same time receiving communication about the transferee's details;
b) the substitute meets all the conditions for the use of the services (pursuant to art.89 of Legislative Decree 206/05) and in particular the requirements relating to the passport, visas, health certificates;
c) the successor party will reimburse VELIKIY TOUR LLC for all expenses incurred to proceed with the replacement to the extent that will be quantified before the transfer. The transferor and the transferee are also jointly and severally liable for the payment of the balance of the price as well as the amounts referred to in letter c) of this article. In relation to some types of services, it may occur that a third party service provider does not accept the change of the name of the transferee, even if carried out within the term referred to in point a) above. VELIKIY TOUR LLC will therefore not be responsible for any failure to accept the change by third party service providers. Such non-acceptance will be promptly communicated by VELIKIY TOUR LLC to interested parties before departure.
Participants must have an individual passport or other document valid for all countries affected by the itinerary, as well as residence and transit visas and health certificates that may be required. They will also have to comply with the rules of normal prudence and diligence, with all the information provided by the organizer, as well as with the regulations and administrative or legislative provisions relating to the "tourist package". Participants will be called to answer for all damages that the organizer should suffer as a result of their failure to comply with the over-examined obligations. The consumer is obliged to provide the organizer with all documents, information and elements in his possession useful for exercising the latter's right of subrogation towards the third parties responsible for the damage and is responsible towards the organizer of the injury. caused by the right of subrogation. The consumer will also communicate in writing to the organizer, at the time of booking, the desired details that may possibly form the subject of specific agreements on the travel arrangements, provided that their implementation is possible.
The official classification of the hotel facilities is provided in the catalog or in other informative material only on the basis of the express and formal indications of the competent authorities of the country in which the service is provided. In the absence of official classifications recognized by the competent Public Authorities of the countries also members of the EU to which the service refers, VELIKIY TOUR LLC reserves the right to provide its own description of the accommodation structure in the catalog or on the website , such as to allow an evaluation and consequent acceptance of the same by the consumer.
The organizer is liable for the damage caused to the consumer due to the total or partial non-fulfillment of the contractually due services whether they are carried out by him personally or by third party service providers, unless he proves that the intervention resulted from the fact of the consumer (including initiatives independently undertaken by the latter during the execution of tourist services), or by circumstances unrelated to the supply of the services provided in the contract, by unforeseeable circumstances, by force majeure, or by circumstances that the organizer himself could not , according to professional diligence, reasonably predict or resolve. The seller from whom the booking of the tourist package was made does not answer in any case for the obligations arising from the organization of the trip, but is solely responsible for the obligations arising from its quality of intermediary and in any case within the limits for this liability provided for by the laws or conventions mentioned above.
The compensation owed by the organizer for damages to the person cannot in any case exceed the limits established by the international conventions with reference to the services whose non-fulfillment has determined the responsibility, both contractually and extra-contractually: specifically the Warsaw Convention of the 1929 on international air transport in the modified text in The Hague in 1955, the Berne Convention (CIV) on rail transport; the Brussels Convention of 1970 (CVV) on the responsibility of the organizer. In any case, the compensation limit cannot exceed the amount of "2000 Germinal gold francs for damage to property" provided for by art. 13 No. 2 CCV and 5000 Germinal Gold Francs for any other damage and for those established by art. 1783 Civil Code
The organizer is obliged to provide the consumer assistance measures imposed by the professional diligence criterion exclusively in reference to his obligations under the law or contract. The organizer and the seller are exonerated from their respective responsibilities (art. 13 and 14), when the failure or incorrect execution of the contract is attributable to the consumer or is due to the fact of a third party of an unpredictable or inevitable nature, or by chance or force majeure.
Any failure in the execution of the contract must be contested by the consumer without delay so that the organizer, his local representative or the companion can promptly remedy it. The consumer can also make a complaint by sending a registered letter, with acknowledgment of receipt, to the organizer or the seller, no later than ten working days from the date of return to the place of departure.
If not expressly included in the price or included in the catalog, before departure it is possible, and indeed advisable, to take out special insurance policies against the costs deriving from the cancellation of the "package", accidents and baggage, as well as to stipulate a service contract that covers the costs. of repatriation in case of accidents and illnesses.
The law obliges all Russian tour operators to have civil liability insurance, VELIKIY TOUR LTD has insurance for an amount of 500,000 rubles. at the bottom of the page you will find the requirements of the insurance company:
Contracts concerning the offer of only the transport, accommodation, or any other separate tourist service service, since it cannot be considered a negotiation of travel organization or tourist package, are governed by the following provisions of the CCV: art. 1. n.3 and n.6; Articles. from 17 to 23; Articles. 24 to 31, with regard to provisions other than those relating to the organization contract as well as other agreements specifically referring to the sale of the single service covered by the contract.
The following clauses of the general conditions of the contract for the sale of "tourist packages" above are also applicable to these contracts: art. 4 1st com .; art. 5; art. 7; art. 8; art. 9; art. 10 1st paragraph; art. 11; art. 15; art. 17. The application of these clauses absolutely does not determine the configuration of the relevant contracts as a case of travel or organized stay or "tourist package". The terminology of the aforementioned clauses relating to the "tourist package" contract (organizer, travel, etc.) must therefore be understood with reference to the corresponding figures of the contract for the sale of individual tourist services (seller of stay, etc.). Approved by Assotravel, Assoviaggi, Astoi and Fiavet
We inform you that all personal data will be processed in full compliance with the provisions of law 675/1996 and that the processing of personal data is directed to the performance by the Company of the services that form the subject of the tourist package. In any case, personal data will not be passed on to third parties and can be canceled at any time at the request of the consumer.

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